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Batteries Included

Following table lists the extensions built into [AndroWish] and/or [undroidwish] including pointers to project pages and/or documentation. Most extension names in the left most column can be used as package name in package require. The extension name is linked to the respective folder in the source tree. Column A shows availability in [AndroWish], columns W/O/L in [undroidwish] (Windows, MacOSX, and/or Linux). A minus sign indicates an extension which can't be provided for the respective platform for technical reasons. Many extensions also run on POT (plain old Tk, i.e. X11 based on POSIX, Win32 based on Windows, Cocoa based on MacOSX). However, there are some exceptions: BLT and Tkzinc are not ready for MacOSX. tcluvc is currently POSIX only and depends on an USB stack providing isochronous transfers. v4l2 requires a Video 4 Linux 2 infrastructure, which is available only for Linux and *BSDs.
Extension Name Version A W O L Remarks, URL, etc.
ble 1.0--- Bluetooth Low Energy support, part of AndroWish, see ble command
BLT 2.4z 2D graph, bargraph, stripchart widgets, i.e. a subset of full BLT, http://sourceforge.net/projects/blt
borg 1.0--- Android integration, part of AndroWish, see Android facilities
BWidget 1.9.13 Mega widget package, http://core.tcl-lang.org/bwidget
Canvas3d 1.2.4 High-level OpenGL widget, http://3dcanvas.tcl-lang.org
csp 0.1.0 Golang inspired concurrency library for Tcl, https://github.com/securitykiss-com/csp
dbif 2.0-- DBus introspection interface, http://dbus-tcl.sourceforge.net
dbus 3.0-- DBus bindings for Tcl, http://dbus-tcl.sourceforge.net
dde 1.4--- Win32 Dynamic Data Exchange, part of the Tcl core
DiffUtil 0.4.0 Peter Spjuth's DiffUtilTcl package, https://github.com/pspjuth/DiffUtilTcl
dmtx 0.7.5 Data matrix decoder, http://sourceforge.net/projects/libdmtx, see dmtx command
Expect 5.45.4- Automation for interactive programs, http://expect.sourceforge.net
Ffidl 0.7 Foreign function interface with dynamic loading using libffi, https://github.com/prs-de/ffidl
fsdialog 1.15 Schelte Bron's ttk file selection dialog, http://chiselapp.com/user/schelte/repository/fsdialog
fswatch 2.0-- File system watcher based on inotify, http://chiselapp.com/user/schelte/repository/fswatch
gridplus 2.11 Grid based layout system, http://www.satisoft.com/tcltk/gridplus2
helpviewer 3.0.2 Johann Oberdorfer's helpviewer using TkHTML3, http://www.johann-oberdorfer.eu/blog/2017/04/10/17-10-04_helpviewer
icons 2.0 Icon sets, http://www.satisoft.com/tcltk/icons
Img 1.4.9 Support for many image formats, http://sourceforge.net/projects/tkimg
itcl 4.1.2 Tcl object system, http://core.tcl-lang.org/itcl
itk 4.1.0 Framework for mega widgets based on itcl, http://core.tcl-lang.org/itk
iwidgets 4.1 Object oriented mega widgets based on itk, http://core.tcl-lang.org/iwidgets
materialicons 0.1 Package wrapping the Material Design Icons, part of AndroWish
Memchan 2.3 Memory channels, http://memchan.sourceforge.net
modbus 0.1 Tcl modbus interface (see http://libmodbus.org) using Ffidl and TclOO.
Mpexpr 1.2 Multi precision math package, https://core.tcl-lang.org/mpexpr
mqtt 2.0 MQTT library including simple broker by Schelte Bron, https://chiselapp.com/user/schelte/repository/mqtt
muzic 1.0--- MIDI sound package, part of AndroWish, see Muzic MIDI sound package
notebook 2.2.0 Will Duquette's notebook app, https://github.com/wduquette/notebook
nsf 2.3.0 New Scripting Framework, http://next-scripting.org
parse_args 0.3.1 A fast argument parser based on the patterns established by core Tcl commands, https://github.com/RubyLane/parse_args
parser 1.8 Tcl parser component, https://chiselapp.com/user/aspect/repository/tclparser
pdf4tcl 0.9.1 PDF document generation, http://sourceforge.net/projects/pdf4tcl
pdf4tcl_graph 1.0 BLT/RBC commands for the pdf4tcl library, http://sesam-gmbh.org/images/Downloads/Public/pdf4tcl_graph.zip
piio 1.1--- Schelte Bron's RaspberryPi GPIO/TWI/SPI library, http://chiselapp.com/user/schelte/repository/piio
promise 1.1.0 Promise abstraction for asynchronous programming, http://tcl-promise.magicsplat.com
ral 0.12.2 Relational algebra, http://chiselapp.com/user/mangoa01/repository/tclral
ralutil 0.12.2 Relational algebra, http://chiselapp.com/user/mangoa01/repository/tclral
reg 1.3--- Win32 Registry, part of the Tcl core
rfcomm 1.0-- Support for Bluetooth serial port profile, part of AndroWish, see rfcomm command
rl_json 0.9.12 JSON value type extension, https://github.com/RubyLane/rl_json
rmq 1.4.1 Pure Tcl Library for RabbitMQ, https://github.com/flightaware/tclrmq
snap7 0.1 Tcl interface to snap7, see http://snap7.sourceforge.net/
snack 2.2.10 Sound toolkit (MP3 and OGG support not provided), http://www.speech.kth.se/snack
SOAP 1.6.8 Tcl SOAP interface, http://sourceforge.net/projects/tclsoap
sqlite3 3.28.0 Embedded SQL database, http://www.sqlite.org
starDOM 0.42 Small XML browser/editor based on tdom and BWidget, http://wiki.tcl-lang.org/3895
tbcload 1.7 Byte-code loader, http://wiki.tcl-lang.org/2624
tcl 8.6.9 Tcl core, http://www.tcl-lang.org
tcl-augeas 0.4.0-- Tcl binding to augeas, https://github.com/dbohdan/tcl-augeas
tclcan 0.1-- Tcl interface to Linux SocketCAN raw AF_CAN sockets, part of undroidwish, see tclcan
tclcsv 2.3 The tclcsv extension by Ashok P. Nadkarni, http://tclcsv.magicsplat.com/
TclCurl 7.22.0 Tcl interface to curl library, https://github.com/flightaware/tclcurl-fa
tclepeg 0.4 Tcl extension to the epeg thumbnailing library, https://github.com/dzach/tclepeg
tclJBlend 2.0.0 Tcl extension using JNI to communicate with a Java VM, https://sourceforge.net/projects/irrational-numbers/files
tcllib 1.19 Tcl standard library, http://core.tcl-lang.org/tcllib
tcl-lmdb 0.4.0 Tcl interface to the Lightning Memory-Mapped Database, https://sites.google.com/site/ray2501/tcl-lmdb
TclMixer 1.2.3 Tcl interface to SDL2_mixer (music and sound playback), http://sqlitestudio.pl/tclmixer
tcluvc 0.1- Tcl interface to UVC type cameras based on libuvc and libusb
tclwmf 0.1--- Tcl interface to cameras using Windows Media Foundation, see wmf command
Tclx 8.6 Extended Tcl, https://github.com/flightaware/tclx
tdbc 1.1.0 Tcl database connectivity, http://core.tcl-lang.org/tdbc
tdbc::jdbc 0.1.1 TDBC-JDBC bridge, https://github.com/ray2501/TDBCJDBC
tdbc::mysql 1.1.0 TDBC driver for MySQL, http://core.tcl-lang.org/tdbcmysql
tdbc::odbc 1.1.0 TDBC driver for ODBC, http://core.tcl-lang.org/tdbcodbc
tdbc::postgres 1.1.0 TDBC driver for PostgreSQL, http://core.tcl-lang.org/tdbcpostgres
tdbc::sqlite3 1.1.0 TDBC driver for sqlite3, http://core.tcl-lang.org/tdbcsqlite3
TDK subset of Tcl Dev Kit from https://github.com/tcltk/tdk
tdom 0.9.1 XML/DOM/XPath/XSLT implementation for Tcl, http://tdom.org/index.html
tfirmata 2.5? Tcl implementation of Arduino Firmata, https://github.com/pdt/tfirmata
Thread 2.8.4 Tcl thread extension, http://core.tcl-lang.org/thread
tile-extras various Misc. bag of Tk packages related to the Tile widget set, https://github.com/jenglish/tile-extras
Tix 8.4.3 Alternate widget set, http://tix.cvs.sourceforge.net/tix/tix
tk 8.6.9 Tk toolkit, http://www.tcl-lang.org
tkcon 2.7 Tk console, http://tkcon.sourceforge.net
tkconclient 1.0 Remote support for Tk console, borrowed from Tcl wiki, part of AndroWish
TkDND 2.9- Tk drag and drop interface, https://github.com/petasis/tkdnd
Tkhtml 3.0 Tk HTML widget, http://tkhtml.tcl-lang.org.tk
tkinspect 5.1.6 Tool to inspect contents of other running Tk applications, http://sourceforge.net/projects/tkcon/files
tklib 0.6 Tk standard library, http://core.tcl-lang.org/tklib
tkpath 0.3.3 Alternate canvas widget with SVG like capabilities, https://bitbucket.org/andrew_shadura/tkpath
tksqlite 0.5.13 GUI frontend to sqlite3, http://reddog.s35.xrea.com/wiki/TkSQLite.html
tksvg 0.1 Read SVG to Tk photo images, https://github.com/auriocus/tksvg
Tktable 2.11 Tk table widget, http://tktable.sourceforge.net
tkvlc 0.7- Video playback using libVLC, https://github.com/ray2501/tkvlc
tktray 1.3.9--- Manage system tray icons with Tk on X11, http://code.google.com/p/tktray
Tkzinc 3.3.6 TkZinc widget, similar to Tk's canvas, https://bitbucket.org/plecoanet/tkzinc
tls 1.6.7 Tcl interface to OpenSSL/LibreSSL, http://tls.sourceforge.net
topcua 0.1 Proof of concept Tcl binding to https://open62541.org, part of AndroWish
treectrl 2.4.2 Tk tree widget, http://sourceforge.net/projects/tktreectrl
Trf 2.1.4 Transformation procedure framework for Tcl channels, http://tcltrf.sourceforge.net
trofs 0.4.9 Tcl read-only filesystem, http://math.nist.gov/~DPorter/tcltk/trofs
tserialport 1.1 Alexander Schoepe's extension to query serial ports, https://tcl.sowaswie.de/tserialport
TWAPI 4.2.12--- Tcl Windows API extension, http://twapi.magicsplat.com
udp 1.0.11 UDP sockets, http://core.tcl-lang.org/tcludp
ukaz 2.0a3 Graph widget written in pure Tcl/Tk, http://github.com/auriocus/ukaz
upnp 0.2 Universal Plug and Play, http://chiselapp.com/user/schelte/repository/upnp
usbserial 1.0--- Support for USB serial converters, part of AndroWish, see usbserial command
v4l20.1--- Video For Linux Two interface, see v4l2 command
VecTcl 0.3 Numerical math in Tcl, http://auriocus.github.io/VecTcl
VecTcLab Console for VecTcl derived from tkcon, http://github.com/auriocus/VecTcLab
vfs 1.4.2 Virtual file system in Tcl, http://sourceforge.net/projects/tclvfs
vnc 0.4 VNC viewer widget, http://ch-werner.de/tkvnc
vlerq 4.1 Package for managing structured datasets in Tcl, http://equi4.com/vlerq.org
vu 2.3 Various Tk widgets, http://tktable.sf.net
wibble 0.4 Small web server, http://chiselapp.com/user/andy/repository/wibble
WiTS 3.2.3--- Windows Inspection Tool Set, http://windowstoolset.sourceforge.net
WS 2.6.0 Tcl interface to web services, http://core.tcl-lang.org/tclws
xml 3.2 Tcl interface to XML, http://sf.net/projects/tclxml
XOTcl 1.6.8 Extended Object Tcl, http://next-scripting.org
zbar 0.10 Barcode scanner, http://zbar.sourceforge.net, see zbar command
zint 2.6.3 Barcode generation, http://sourceforge.net/projects/zint
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